
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ciencia & Tecnología
  BORN AND VOTING IN THE USA… (Revised and corrected Version. My apologies  for previously publishing by error the 1st draft) N ot really, my thinking is that you need a deep reform of the entire electoral system from the very top, including but not limited to cancel forever the undemocratic Electoral College vote, a novel invention at the time of the 13 colonies when roosters’ fights were legal. Presidential candidates should be elected by the majority plus one of the popular votes, this event by itself will be a good example of Democracy. A second necessary event that will give more luster to US Democracy is to ensure no difference voting in person, by mail or by using new, safe, and efficient technology. Americans need badly an upgrade of their Democracy, being able to vote the same way as when you pay taxes or do your personal banking.   The point is that it should make no difference to vote in a polling station, electronic voting, or voting using Internet the same way you transf
Acerca de las Venas abiertas del Caribe... La plantación que no se repite: las historias azucareras de la República Dominicana y Puerto Rico, 1870-1930*   Por Humberto García Muñiz**   Este ensayo analiza, de manera comparativa, el sistema de plantaciones de caña en la República Dominicana y Puerto Rico entre 1870 y 1930.1 El enfoque obliga a examinar las economías de ambos países en el contexto histórico del mercado azucarero   * Publicado previamente en la Revista de Indias, Año LXV, Nº 233, pp. 133-191, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Historia. Madrid, enero-abril de 2005. Reproducido aquí con la autorización del autor, quien agradece los comentarios a este artículo y la colaboración de Betsaida Vélez-Natal, Antonio Díaz Royo, Pedro Rivera, Jorge Giovannetti-Torres, Miriam Lugo y Doralis Pérez-Soto. ** Doctor en Historia y profesor del Departamento de Historia, Sociología y Antropología de la Universidad de Puerto Ric