A declaration of Imperial guiltiness…

Historically, how many countries have the US invaded?

I'll list the country and the incidence in chronological order starting from the American Revolution. I won't count rebels unless they were promised independence previously and I won't count the CSA because it was never recognized as a separate country. I will only count the incidences where the US either has boots on the ground or aircrafts flying in the opposing countries' lands - i.e. naval blockades won't count. CIA successful and unsuccessful attempts to overthrow a country's government will also be counted. I'll count countries in terms of their modern day regions, except for colonies which will be counted as an invasion of the owner of the colony (except Commonwealth nations). I will count the major native american tribes because the US at the time recognized them as autonomous nations.

Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya (First Barbary War)
Canada (War of 1812)
Algeria (Second Barbary War)
Spain (Acquisition of Florida)
Cherokees (Indian Removal Act)
Indonesia (Expedition)
Ivory Coast (Expedition)
Cherokees (Trail of Tears)
Mexico (Annexation of Texas)
Mexico (Seizing of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, some of Colorado, New Mexico, and the Texan border with the Rio Grande)
Sioux (Forced settlement and massacre)
Spain (Annexation of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines)
Philippines (Reneges on promise of Philippine independence in exchange for Filipino support during the Spanish-American War)
Fiji (Expedition)
China (Second Opium War)
China (Looting China in response to the Boxer Rebellion as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance)
Taiwan (Expedition into Taiwan)
Korea (Korean Expedition in response to "insults")
Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica Republic, Honduras, Mexico (US shenanigans with their military)
Germany (World War 1)
Russia (Russian Civil War - Formation of Soviet Union)
Germany, Japan, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria (WW2)
Korea (Korean War)
Vietnam (Vietnam War)
Guatemala (CIA overthrows of their government and funds dictator's armies)
Iran (CIA overthrows elected Prime Minister)
Cuba (Bay of Pigs)
Brazil (CIA helps overthrow the government and funds opposition groups)
Chile (CIA funds opposition then overthrows the government)
Grenada (Overthrow their government)
Nicaragua (Helps install a military junta)
Panama (Attempt to capture Gen. Manuel Noriega)
Honduras (Helps install a military junta)
Colombia (Funds and trains death squads)
Iraq (Desert Storm)
Iraq (Retaliation for alleged assassination plot)
Sudan, Afghanistan (Retaliation for terrorist attacks in embassies)
Serbia (Kosovo War)
Afghanistan (Response to 9/11)
Iraq (Bush's policy of war against WMD-developing states)
Iran (Stuxxnet - Cyber Warfare)
Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq (Drone Attacks)
Libya, Syria (No-fly zone and drone attacks)
Concisely, we've invade: [Cherokees, Sioux], Canada, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Spain, Germany, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Grenada, Serbia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya, Ivory Coast, Somali, Sudan
The Cherokees is just a name for the 5 autonomous native american nations that the US recognized.

So we've invaded 42 unique countries since our inception, 47 if we count the Native Americans. Even then, I've probably missed a few countries the CIA overthrew or we've done a drone strike on.
Something to notice is that about half of our invasions of other countries happened in the past 50 years - we've invaded as many countries in the past 50 years as we have for the other 188 years of our existence.


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